Vocational Pathways Initial Formation
Well aware that we are living in a time of deep and fast socio-cultural changes, of the difficulties faced by consecrated life in its various forms and looking realistically at the circumstances of our Province, we want to dare to respond to today’s needs with the creative audacity that St John Eudes and St Mary Euphrasia had. Therefore we need a prophetic vision to embark on new paths, accepting the challenge to implement a solid initial and continuing formation.
(From the Formation Programme Italy-Malta, 2018)
Formation cannot only be entrusted to those who are directly in charge of the formation of young people, as though it were only their responsibility; it requires the harmonious and appropriate collaboration and participation of the entire community, the place where “initiation into the hardships and joys of community life takes place”. It is through the fraternal life that one learns to accept others as a gift from God, accepting their positive traits along with their differences and limitations. It is through the fraternal life that one learns to share the gifts received for the building up of everyone. It is through the fraternal life that one learns the missionary dimension of consecration.