The Challenges of the Strategic Plan Contemplative method and progressive discernment
With the help of the Word of God we do not fear our poverty, weakness and fragility
we dare to take paths of integration between Sisters and Partners.
“Through the pathways that we have paved thanks to the Strategic Plan we are encouraged to put into practice the orientations of our 2014 Unit Chapter and to restore the spiritual-methodological key that had guided our attempts in past years to set life in motion again: putting into practice what Jesus asks is a matter of grace rather than duty (Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini), in increasingly articulated collaborations between Sisters and lay people. Proceeding through the contemplative method, the progressive community discernment unites Sisters and lay people in vital challenges that stimulate participation and involvement.”
((see Presentation of the Strategic Plan Document by Sister Angela and her Council, February 2018)

Paths of Alliances for the Future of the Mission – Strategic Plan Document
The challenges of the Strategic Plan: