The Challenges of the Strategic Plan Co-responsibility in the mission

The phase of accompanying the realization of the Strategic Plan calls all the partners of the Mission to “resume collaboration sustained by the framework of the Strategic Plan, which sees in human and spiritual growth the main road for all and everyone, in every phase and condition of life, in order to give more future and life to the Charism and the Mission” and encourages them to prepare “first of all spiritually to be humble and effective witnesses of the Charismatic Values embraced by our Founders, of mercy, reconciliation and justice (cf. Const. 6) of our Founders, and which are lived in the daily community and apostolic services”.
(from Unit Leader Sister Angela’s Letter, February 2018).

((see document Finding the way to sisters-lay co-responsibility for the future of the mission, May 2019))
Click here to download the document: FINDING THE WAY TO CORRESPONSIBILITY
But doubts and loves dig up the world – like a mole, a plow.
The Challenges of the Strategic Plan: