The challenges of the Strategic Plan Regenerate Revitalize Rationalize

The 3 Challenges of the Strategic Plan – Strategic Plan Document p. 33
The Challenges of the Strategic Plan aim to favor the co-construction of widespread and shared living conditions in which the dignity of every person remains an unconditional value, sheltered from the relational anesthesia that arises from a double, perfect fear: fear of pain and fear of living in such a dehumanized world.
The Strategic Plan, in line with the Positions of the Congregation, encourages sisters and lay partners, with the help of Grace, to live the priorities arising from the discernment of the Unit Council as challenges that move us toward alliances of heart, mind and action, at the local, provincial and general level.
These challenges call to dare to activate virtuous circles made of human, spiritual and apostolic harmony and synergies, aimed at countering the vicious circles caused by the epochal emergencies with their load of injustice, suffering and violence that affect the poorest and most vulnerable.
((see Strategic Plan Document))
“Communication occurs when, in addition to the message, a part of the soul is also carried.”
(Henri Bergson)
The challenges of the Strategic Plan: