Grateful for the accompaniment of the path of radical transformation by the CLT and the New Directions Committee

Grateful for the accompaniment of the path of radical transformation by the CLT and the New Directions Committee

The month of June opened with a warm and engaging message from the Congregation’s Leadership Team that has been guiding our journey towards the implementation of the Congregation’s Statement of Direction and Calls to Action for the past year, increasingly aware that “the world and all of creation are undergoing a major shift – a profound ‘change of epoch’ – and we are privileged to be part of this transformation“.

The particular value of this valuable accompaniment is the recognition that the “radical transformation is also our personal call to participate in this significant change that is taking place in the world, in the Church and in consecrated life […] We are called to be spiritual leaders rather than administrators and managers”.

Through this message we have felt the intensity of the responsibilities assumed by the CLT committed to opening themselves “to the ongoing work of the Spirit, guiding us and the Congregation towards new ways of seeing, thinking, acting and being”.


In great harmony with the CTL message of 08 June, on 23 June the New Directions Committee gave us a very articulate update on the various paths towards the “creation of a new congregation-wide governance structure”.

‘Finding a global way forward together’


We really felt we were on a journey together with the many realities that, in the Congregation, are committed to creating new Regions, building networks, weaving relationships of co-responsibility for the continuity of the Charism and sustainability of the Mission.

The availability offered by the New Directions Committee is also precious for us in the newly created Southern Europe Region, especially for the indications that will concern the ways of reconfiguring the local communities.

On this issue, the committee invites us to participate in a zoom section on the local community, choosing between two options:

Monday 28 August at 13.00 (Rome time)

Tuesday 05 September at 13.00 (Rome time)


“In the spirit of St John Eudes and St Mary Euphrasia
 may we continue our mission
appreciating our rich past and our promising future!”