World Environment Day

World Environment Day

From exploitation to healing the Earth

One of the main tasks of the Day this year is to launch the United Nations Decade of Ecosystem Restoration. Under the leadership of the United Nations Environment Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization, the Decade 2021-2030 is designed to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide.

The mission is global: to revive billions of hectares, from forests to farmland, from mountaintops to the depths of the sea. We are all invited to be part of #GenerationRestoration and invest in a society that, locally and globally, is committed to suspending the exploitation of nature, initiating the change necessary for its healing.

Credit foto © Viktor Gladkov

The focus of this year’s edition, “Restoring ecosystems”, goes beyond the boundaries of a mere anniversary to become a strategy to be implemented in the near future and “revive the planet in just 10 years”. According to UNEP (the United Nations Environment Programme) on its World Environment Day 2021 website, this is a mission that is possible, provided we act together and quickly, following a shared plan of action that includes awareness and concrete commitment to prevent, halt and reverse the damage inflicted on ecosystems.


The health of the Earth is also at the heart of our commitment to Integral Ecology in tune with the Magisterium of Pope Francis for the custody of Creation and the initiatives of civil society

In order to create networks and encourage the participation of individuals and institutions, the United Nations Environment Programme offers The Ecosystem Restoration Playbook 2021

How to be part of the #GenerationRestoration?

“This is our moment. We can’t go back in time. But we can grow trees, green our cities, rearrange our gardens, change our diets and clean up our rivers and coastlines. We are the generation that can make peace with nature. We become active, not anxious. Let’s be bold, not timid. Join #GenerationRestoration”.

Let us make peace with the Earth and among men