Feast of Saint Mary Euphrasia
The prophetic pedagogy of our foundress is very relevant today
The spiritual and apostolic legacy of Saint Mary Euphrasia never ceases to amaze us!
Recently, in order to prepare ourselves to celebrate her with dignity, we had the opportunity to recall some principles of the ‘helping relationship’ that seem more than prophetic if we consider the fact that they were conceived more than 150 years ago. Today, we are called upon to confirm its perspectives that were the subject of studies in Rue d’Assas, in Paris, from 1949/1951.
“Above all, let us not give young people the impression, when we see them speak, that we suspect them of saying wrong things. These suspicions are often unjust and to express them would always be unpleasant” (Ent. P. 167).
“And even if we have well-founded fears, it would be good to keep those we suspect at bay for a while until their behaviour improves. But since you must avoid giving your impressions, it is better not to say anything unless there is a definite indication of guilt. You cannot find evil where there is none” (Ent. P. 174).
“These instructions should be applied during the first days of our young people’s stay. But they are also likely to be relaxed in the following months, helping the adolescent to develop their full potential: not everyone is wounded and unable to reach an ideal. The best stimulus for them is to show, with our words, with our advice, with our attitude, that we believe them capable of reaching a serious ideal” (R.P. P.148).
“We must start from the assumption they have already achieved what we would like them to be and show the confidence we want to have in them, even before they have fully earned it“ (R.P. P.149).
The gaze with which St Mary Euphrasia ‘met’ the vulnerable young women of the time ‘spoke’ of mercy, trust, respect and resilience.
Today we too are called, in this multicultural, complex world that produces vulnerability and easily induces us to retreat into indifference, to welcome and re-actualise the prophetic pedagogy of our foundress and renew, on this day, our zeal for mission.