Bishop of Treviso Michele Tomasi chose to ‘finish 2023 in style’ by spending New Year’s Eve at the Domus Nostra in Quinto di Treviso

Bishop of Treviso Michele Tomasi chose to ‘finish 2023 in style’ by spending New Year’s Eve at the Domus Nostra in Quinto di Treviso

There was great joy for the Apostolic Community, the educators, volunteers, women and children welcomed into the Services to begin the New Year in friendship and solidarity with Bishop Michael in the framework of the initiatives of the Youth Pastoral and Caritas Tarvisina, which celebrate alongside the most fragile people in the area.

We of the Good Shepherd are all grateful to Bishop Michael for this pastoral gesture, who, from the very beginning of his tenure as head of the Diocese of Treviso, has been a reference in the activities of formation and transmission of the Charism.

“The only way not to forget is to tell. To talk and tell.
[...] We cannot start again from old patterns
but from new solidarities,
not from visions of self-interest that have had their day,
but from common responsibility
towards this wonderful and fragile world."
(from the Letter for Summer 2020 of the Bishop of Treviso, Michele Tomasi)

Episcopal coat of arms of Msgr. Michele Tomasi

The motto is inspired by the Gospel of Matthew, where the evangelist reports the words of Jesus in imparting to the apostles the fundamentals of their earthly mission, exhorting them to do their utmost for their neediest brethren; a teaching encapsulated in the specific verse: ‘Freely you have had, freely give’ (Mt 10:8).