International Day of Solidarity

International Day of Solidarity

Solidarity and mutual help make us light for each other

Solidarity is a spiritual and civic virtue recalled at all times and from different perspectives even before the UN dedicated a Day to it in 2005.

“Our brightness does not come from tricks or special effects,
but from our making ourselves the neighbours
of those we meet wounded along the way,
with love, with tenderness”
(Pope Francis)

“I am proud to be an Italian citizen, but I also feel like a citizen of the world,
so when a man in a corner of the earth fights for his freedom
and is persecuted because he wants to remain a free man,
I stand by him with all my solidarity as a citizen of the world.”
(Sandro Pertini, President of the Italian Republic from 1978 to 1985)

“I will not have lived in vain.
If I ease the pain of a life
Or heal a sorrow,
Or help a fallen robin
Back to its nest,
I shall not have lived in vain.”

(Emily Dickinson)


“If we shake hands
miracles are performed
and Christmas Day
will last the whole year.”
(Gianni Rodari)


There are many things we can do to promote human solidarity in our daily lives and in the world:

Participate in volunteer projects: it is a great way to promote human solidarity. There are many organisations that need volunteers to help people in need. You can make a difference in someone’s life by donating your time and skills.


Support charitable organisations: there are many that work to improve people’s lives. You can contribute to their causes by donating money or participating in their fundraising campaigns.


Support cultural diversity: it is a fundamental value of human solidarity. Be open to the culture of others, experience different foods and traditions and try to learn from people with different backgrounds.

Fight social injustice: it is an obstacle to human solidarity. Try to fight social injustice in your daily life, like fighting against racism or fighting for workers’ rights.