World Day for the Rights of the Child

World Day for the Rights of the Child

100 years after the Charter of the Rights of the Child we still fail to ensure recognition and protection

Darker and darker times for children and their rights in this world plagued by so many epochal emergencies (climate emergency, forced migration, gender and domestic violence, ‘third world war in pieces’, etc.) that undermine their future.

On this day we address all adults who, in the family, in society, in national and international institutions, are called upon to take care of children with the hope of practising together, in everyday life and in child and adolescent protection policies, the principles of the Tree of Rights.

Every child is a gift…when will we manage to be truly worthy?

I am a child I am your gift
I was not there before and now I am
I am tomorrow, from your hands
You must defend me with your hands
I am the future, I have arrived
And I am here because you have called me
How the horizon you trace will be
Depends on how you embrace me

Bruno Tognolini