World Social Justice Day
‘Overcoming barriers and unleashing
opportunities for social justice’
World Social Justice Day, established by the UN in 2007, is meant to emphasise the importance of equity. But today, on the contrary, we are witnessing a kind of entrenchment in their own privileges by many countries, in order to push away droves of human beings, guilty only of being born on the ‘wrong’ side of the planet.
“Poverty and inequality within and between countries are increasing in many parts of the world. The economic and social crises of recent years have been exacerbated by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters due to accelerating climate change, geopolitical tensions and armed conflicts. Beyond the associated human tragedies and their impact on the world of work, these crises have highlighted the interconnectedness and dependencies of economies and societies around the world and have shown the crucial need for concerted action to respond to them, at global, regional and national levels.” (Source: www.onuitalia.it).

GOAL 10 AIMS TO REDUCE INequalities between and within countries. This is an ambitious goal that covers many different areas, not just economic ones. In fact, although income inequalities are the most obvious, Goal 10 of the Agenda aims to focus on all types of inequality, including those involving “age, gender, disability, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic or other status”.
The term inequality identifies all differences in welfare levels resulting mainly from disparities in income levels, consumption, access to health care, education and life expectancy. Social justice can be defined as the ability to ensure fairness and justice, which are closely linked in every society and nation. This means equal conditions among social classes and peoples to access education, services and the fulfilment of basic human needs: decent housing and food. Hence the theme of Day 2023: ‘Overcoming Barriers and Unleashing Opportunities for Social Justice’.

Image: www.laviaeaperta.it
As Christians we are called to be just to all and to be
promoters of justice, bringing the voice of the voiceless.

Imagie: www.facebook.com
Often, we do not reflect on how our own actions can affect the lives of others, especially the most disadvantaged in society. Stepping out of one’s ‘comfort zone’ to seek justice for those who suffer various forms of injustice is a prophetic call:
“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; do justice to the fatherless and satisfy the cause of the widow” (Isaiah: 1:17).

Image: www.onuitalia.it
“Justice is an indispensable requisite
to realise the ideal of universal brotherhood'”
(Pope Francis, Brothers All 173)