“The world needs fathers”
(Pope Francis)
Alongside the decree proclaiming the special year dedicated to St Joseph, the Pope published the Apostolic Letter ‘Patris corde – With a Father’s Heart’, in which the background is the Covid19 pandemic which, writes Francis, has made us realise the importance of ordinary people, those who, far from the limelight, exercise patience every day and instil hope, sowing co-responsibility.
Just like St Joseph, “the man who goes unnoticed, the man of daily presence, discreet and hidden”. Yet, his is “a leading role without equal in the history of salvation”.

We salute you Joseph,
image of God the Father,
father of God the Son,
sanctuary of the Holy Spirit
beloved of the Holy Trinity,
We salute you Joseph,
faithful collaborator in God’s plan,
most worthy spouse of the Virgin Mary.
We salute you Joseph,
father of all the faithful,
We salute you Joseph,
guardian of virgins consecrated to God.
We greet you Joseph,
respecter of inner silence
We salute you Joseph,
lover of holy poverty.
We salute you Joseph
model of meekness and patience.
We salute you Joseph,
Mirror of humility and obedience.
Blessed are you among all men.
And blessed are your eyes
Which have seen what thou hast seen
Blessed are your ears
Which have heard what thou hast heard.
Blessed are your hands
That have touched the Word Incarnate,
Blessed are your arms
That carried him who holds all things,
Blessed is your breast
On which the Son of God gently rested,
Blessed is your heart
burning with his most ardent love,
Blessed be the eternal Father who has chosen you,
Blessed is the Son who has loved you,
Blessed is the Holy Spirit who has sanctified you.
Blessed is Mary, your spouse, who has loved you
as husband and as brother.
Blessed is the angel who guarded you.
Blessed for ever are all those
who bless you and love you. Amen
San Giovanni Eudes